Scott McCall
3 min readJan 19, 2021


Faith and the Wretch: Epilog

Several years ago, a friend curiously pulled me aside and quietly asked “Somebody told me you’re psychic ; is that true?” I said “No, but I plan to keep testing. Also, you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

The Premonition

6:34 PM, 18 Jan.

I see you Mike. I see your hands holding your face again. I feel your agony and discernment — ”How can I sign this?” you lament repeatedly. I hear them telling you, “You must do this for the sake of national unity.” I hear them update you about the new evidence of voter fraud and how in Trump’s second term they will prove the steal.

I feel you experiencing the attack on the Capitol — the images still overwhelm you.

The lawyers are telling you the President can’t pardon himself — only your pardon is Constitutionally sound. They continue; the President could be criminally liable for inciting insurrection. They tell you he and Republicans will be subject to years of partisan investigations — witch hunts and smears. They implore this dark chapter must end.

They purport but do not project sympathy. They grudgingly acknowledge Ford’s pardon of Nixon hurt him politically, but Ford saved the Republic. They are spouting patriotic and Christian imperatives:”You must pardon Trump!”

But the images; the Capitol.

The president is playing his last card now — ” I’ll make you rich, and the next President,” he tells you. “I have 74% of Republicans with me Mike! You don’t want to mess with me.”

Jan 19 12:00 AM.

You’re in bed, restless. You’re not sure if you see a ghost. You cry out, “Is that you Lord?” No is the reply, but I am the messenger — I’m the ghost of Christmas future.

Jan 19 8:00 PM

Breaking News: Pence will not pardon the President.

Speaking from the National Cathedral, Pence was contrite and brief:

“My fellow Americans, my conservative convictions remain strong but, I am a man of faith and country above all. The President told America a lie. We told America a lie. The consequences are self-evident. Once the Supreme Court weighed in, the election was over. That is how our founders designed our Republic to work. And it did.

Asking whether the lie caused what happened 6 January is like asking if crying fire in crowded theater caused the stampede? For me, the evidence is self-evident.

The President has asked that I pardon him. I will not do so. I asked he join me today to acknowledge and denounce the lie. He would not do so.

My fellow Americans, I’m profoundly sorry for what I have done — I didn’t stop the lie. I should have. For that I will accept your judgment.

To my fellow Republicans, America can’t unify around a lie. I leave it to you, your faith, your honor, and your patriotism to end the lie now.”

